Champions Of Virtue

Champions of Virtue Episode Thirteen - Happy Helm's Day



Welcome back to the thirteenth episode of the Champions of Virtue Podcast! Thanks to your listening support, you can now listen to us on SoundCloud and iTunes! If you're new to the series, welcome! Be sure to listen the previous episodes to keep up to date! If you're a return listener, thank you so much for coming back! All of us are greatly appreciated and so happy that you've chosen to listen to us. Stay connected with the series by following the #champsofvirtue on Twitter and let us know what you think! Special thanks to composer Jeff Ball for the brand-new intro theme music. You can find his work at And of course, before we start, a quick refresher. The group continued their crawl through the Great Furnace to find a Shrine of virtue. After combatting a long-starved vampire, the party felt the mountain tremble and shake with the threat of a imminent eruption. They found themselves at a cliff overlooking a roiling pool of lava, that was set to burst forth out of the mounta