Ordinary Artists

S02EP02 Nadia Nadif



I met up and chatted to Nadia Nadif, Artistic Director of Untold Arts. Nadia is the Artistic Director of Untold Arts founded by herself, Lauren Johnson and Joel Sams. The company ethos is 'putting BAME actors centre stage' in aims of reflection the voices left unheard. This summer I saw their production, The Scar Test at the Soho Theatre and was move by these women's stories. The production is a devised piece based on true accounts of women held in UK immigration detention centres. Nadia and I chatted about how the story came together and how it is running your own company while being an actor. She talks candidly about her experience, from forming Untold Arts, Fundraising and taking the shows on tour. Socials: Twitter: @Mumba_Jasmine @OrdArtists @untold_arts @NNadifactress Website: untoldarts.co.uk Email: mumbadodwell@outlook.com