Science, Futurism, Emotional Intelligence

The Direct Path #12



#1 Physicalism Oneness 20,000 breaths/day depend on phytoplankton/trees photosynthesis 1,000+ bacteria species in gut with 2,000 genes each = 2M gene expression symbiosis Same hydrological cycle that dinosaurs were drinking from 66M years ago Where is the line of separation between you and air/water/food/microbes? #2 Intuitive Leap to Awareness Reality is fundamentally Consciousness-based You can't experience a simulated dream without an observer / videogame without a player Awareness is Eternally being Colored by Experience - Science recently recognizes cyclic cosmology, multiverse (many songs), symphonies don’t play one song 1) Locate the sense of "I" 2) Focus & investigate this directly Hawthorne Effect with observing oneself Finity, Form, Time is temporary, not Eternal Truth (which science, tech, engineering will probe soon) #3 Physicalism & Awareness are ONE There is NOT-TWO (Nonduality, Synthesis) Observers need 'Physicalism/Creation Designs' The Witness needs the dreamed landscape Rec