Church At The Red Door

Rejoice in the Lord always. Yes, always!



In Philippians 4:4 the Apostle Paul writes, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!” Rejoice always? Really, Paul? You have no idea what you are asking. Upon hearing this, many people will simply brush it aside as unrealistic and unfeasible. How can the Apostle Paul, or God, expect us to rejoice when we are having marital problems, our hopes have been dashed, we just received a bad health report, or we are dealing with family issues? It seems impossible! It is impossible for some people, but not for us – “IF...” Join me Sunday as we explore the big “IF.” Philippians 4:4-9 Questions: READ PHILIPPIANS 4:4-9 1. What do you think it looks like to rejoice even when life is difficult? 2. In verse 5, Paul reminds the Philippians that “the Lord is near.” In what ways is God literally near to you? 3. The beginning of verse 6 says “do not be anxious.” If we are honest, we all encounter worry often on a weekly, even daily, basis. What are you anxious about right now? 4, The next part of