Church At The Red Door

Christianity is a Fairytale



Have you ever thought of the Gospel as a fairytale? Many people do. They imagine that talking donkeys and snakes simply did not exist. Many of our friends and family do not take another look at the words of Jesus, because they conceive His very existence as merely the imagination of ancient writers. The fact is, the Gospel follows a general pattern that most fairytales employ: good conquers evil in the midst of inconceivable odds (or at least apparent odds) while utilizing underdogs to overthrow the "powers that be." I want to take a deeper dive into the unimaginable plan that Jesus had for his apostles and any who would dare follow in His footsteps. Footsteps that exemplify another dimension's way of being human. Luke 6:17-26 Questions: 1. Have you ever considered that the Gospel has many of the characteristics of a fairytale? 2. Why do you suppose fairytales are so deeply embedded in the human psyche? Wishful thinking or intuition? 3. Do stories from another dimension startle you or excite you? 4. H