Church At The Red Door

Missing the Point...Badly!



This week, I have entitled the message “Missing the Point...Badly!” There are many things in the Bible that infuriate me: injustices that are perpetrated on the vulnerable, demonstrations of pride and greed, carelessness with others, and murder. However, this week we peer into true evil. This is the kind of evil that necessitates some cover. Religion often acts as that kind of cover. People love to hide behind religion when their intentions are grotesque. This is what we will deal with on Sunday. Do not think this is just a study of "things long since passed." It is just as tempting for us today as it was for the religious hypocrites of 2,000 years ago. Luke 6:1-11 1. What has been the worst thing you have experienced in the name of religion? 2. When have you personally been at fault when mercy did not triumph over judgment? 3. Are you aware of some "traditions of men" that put a strangle hold on people's thriving in the kingdom?