Carton & Friends

4/1 Level 2: Get Off My Lawn, Dodger Stadium Is A War Zone, NFL Win Totals and more...



In today’s segment of Get Off My Lawn, Gabe discusses the recent and now what seems like regular violence at La Dodger Games, after a story came out about a man getting punched putting him into a coma. Gabe calls the games at Dodger Stadium a War Zone now and that the reason for the violence is that the outfield bleachers are separated from the rest of the stadium, leaving all the drunks in a confined space and parking lot which leads to the fights and violence. Gabe and Joe keep the conversation going about the fights in LA, with Gabes friend from the area calling in to give a different perspective of what's going on. NFL win total came out and Joe n Gabe discuss some of the numbers they see and what they like and what teams are being overvalued. Learn more about your ad-choices at