Carton & Friends

3/26, Level 2: Turkey Vultures, Eric Montross, Rob Ninkovich, and more...



To open up hour 2, Gabe and Joe react to a story coming out of ESPN headquarters that a vulture had flew through the glass in Stephen A Smith's office. At first the guys see the picture and think that a bird couldn't leave a whole that big. But after some investigation looking up pictures if vultures they circle back and believe the story. In today's Get Off My Lawn segment, Gabe calls out infamous attorney Michael Avenatti. Avenatti was threatening a story about Nike paying kids that play college basketball, specifically Oregon’s big man Bol Bol. Shortly after Avenatti tweeted out about having knowledge of this he reportedly got arrested for extortion, wanting some 20 million from Nike to keep his mouth shut. Former UNC Tar heel Eric Montross joins the show to discuss the upcoming Sweet 16 in the NCAA Tournament. Eric previews Carolina's game vs #5 seed Auburn. He suspects it to be a very fast paced game, with both teams looking to go up and down the court. To close out the hour Super Bowl Champion Rob Ninko