Kapow Radio Show

Mark 16:14-16 - Why This Verse is Awesome



I see too many Christian Churches declare "God's way to Tithe" (They want your money badly), "Social programs" (They preach a social gospel), or "Look at at our awesome worship team" (They want to entertain you).  But Jesus commanded us to make only one declaration, and that is the good news that we can avoid the wrath of our creator God by trusting in His reconciliation of us through His only satisfying Pascal Sacrifice, Jesus our Messiah.  And there is a dark side of this verse; those who do not "faith" or trust in the only provision God has given, shall be damned.  Our job then is to only declare that good news and tell the world that if they "faith" or trust in God's provision to save them, and they are "Immersed" or baptized in Messiah (Not water), washed clean by His sacrifice, then they can be saved from the wrath and punishment they were born into.  Mark 16:14-16 (KJV) 14 Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because th