David Hathaway

A Glorious Future (New Year Message)



This New Year don’t look back on 2020, rather, realise that the tomorrow we have is more glorious than our yesterdays. The future in front of us becomes more and more glorious, and powerful, and precious. Paul encourages us, ‘I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.’ Philippians 3.14. It echoes what he said in v13, ‘I don’t count that I have apprehended’ I want to encourage you, wherever you are, whatever you’ve achieved, always keep this sense that there is something more in front of you. Keep pressing forward! Let me pray for you: "Lord encourage the listeners of this programme, to not look at the problems in their lives, but to look to the future! I pray for a glorious future for everyone, that we will press forward, however hard it is, that we will climb to that higher height, and even in this coming year, spiritually, even materially, we will reach a higher level. Lord, lift me up and let me stand on higher ground, a higher place than I have found. Plant my feet