David Hathaway

It's all about Jesus (Christmas Message #2)



It’s all about Jesus! I want us to forget the problems of 2020, and focus on Jesus, our problem-solver! Let’s remember the Christ of Christmas. Just as when we take Communion, we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus, so at Christmas we must remember Jesus divested Himself of all His heavenly glory: the ‘Word became flesh and dwelt among us’. The angel instructed Joseph, “You shall call His Name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” The very Name of Jesus means salvation: salvation from our sins; salvation from our sicknesses; salvation from all that troubles us.  Featured Music O Come all ye Faithful & O Come, O Come Emmanuel by Rebecca Aladiran ----------------------------------------- Join David for a series of three special Christmas & New year messages which are being broadcast on God TV, Revelation TV, Podcast & Online. These include special music by Huw Priday and Rebecca Aladiran, and prayers led by David and Pastor Dennis Greenidge. You can watch the God TV specials