David Hathaway

Transforming Power of God (with Vinesong)



We must be changed and transformed by the Power of the Holy Ghost! When I was re-reading the Easter story earlier in the year, I was intrigued by the response of Peter; even after seeing the empty tomb, what did he do? – Peter went home, back to his previous life before Jesus. I believe the Church, because of coronavirus, is in danger of doing the same thing today. So many are slipping away from being the dynamic public witness which Christ has called us to be. Church has become individual private worship at home. But we are called to live in Pentecost, in the Fire and Power of the Holy Spirit when 3000 were converted in just one day! The good news is: who was the one who preached to the thousands? – Peter, the same disciple who slipped quietly back home after the resurrection. It was the baptism of the Holy Spirit which turned the disciples from sitting in a locked-room to a public demonstration of the Power of God.  'How we love Your Name' by Vinesong.com