David Hathaway

We all need the healing power of Jesus



We all need the healing power of Jesus; it doesn’t matter who we are, we all experience powerful storms in our lives. One of the interesting aspects of the coronavirus is how it has affected and infected people of all wealth and social position: whether Prime Minister, heir to the Throne, or isolated pensioner. In Luke 7&8, there are three different people who come to Jesus in their desperation: Roman Centurion, religious leader, and an unnamed woman. For the centurion, no amount of military power can solve his problem; for Jairus, religion and ceremony couldn’t prevent his crises; and for the unnamed woman, she spent all her money on doctors, but had only gotten worse. Each were drawn to Jesus by their need – and each received the miracle they so desperately desired. Jesus says to you, as He said to them, “Fear not, only believe!” Come to Jesus. It is the only way to be set free and experience the release you so desperately desire.