David Hathaway

Do we recognise the Power and Authority of Jesus? (with Vinesong)



Do we recognise the Power and Authority of Jesus? In Matthew 8 we have an incredible contrast in how people viewed Him. The chapter opens with the story of the Roman Centurion who comes to Jesus on behalf of his servant, and then it closes with Jesus calming the storm. The Centurion says to Jesus, “I recognise the authority You have; if You speak the word, my servant will be healed.” Jesus then commends the man by saying, “I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith!” Whereas later, in the midst of a storm, the disciples who had followed Jesus, seen His miracles said, “What kind of Man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey Him!” What a challenge to us! Do we recognise the Power and Authority of Jesus? Do we trust Him in the midst of our storms? Are we trusting Him now during this pandemic? Are we going to be bold in our faith, like the Centurion was, and declare, “Jesus, You have the authority”? Or will we shrink back in fear like the disciples? 'Holy You are Lord' used by kind permission w