David Hathaway

A New Creation (with Vinesong)



If any man be in Christ he is a new creation, the old has gone, and the new life begins. You are not reformed, rehabilited or re-educated - as a believer you are re-created. Your old sinful life is dead and buried. You've been born again into the Kingdom of God. You are a new creation - literally re-created - all past mistakes and sins forgiven, you are made new! Ephesians 2 teaches that we are saved by grace through faith. Our salvation is the gift of God. You can't earn salvation. You can't buy salvation. Salvation is a free gift to those who put their faith in the finished work of the cross. The good new is, you don't wait until you die to receive eternal life, you have it now! Yes, your body will die, but your spirit will live on with Jesus. 'Ephesians 2' used by kind permission of www.vinesong.com