David Hathaway

The power of God to deliver (with Vinesong)



'I have surely seen the affliction of My people, and have heard their cry; I know their sorrows; and I am come down to deliver' (Exodus 3:7-8). When I had lung cancer, who did I call, who could I go to for help, I went to the Lord. He was the only one who could deliver me from my sickness. I've seen the power of God to deliver; yes, He has healed me twice of cancer, freed me from a communist prison, but I have also seen Him deliver men from the power of sin. I once preached in a Siberian prison to all 1400 inmates, desperate men: 200 multiple murderers, 400 serious sex offenders and 800 even worse criminals. The commandant said he was an atheist, that God could not change these men, that I was wasting my time. But, faced with the crisis of this challenge, the Holy Spirit came on me and God transformed the prison that day. All 1400 criminals repented and 140 of those convicts are now pastors, some of the best evangelists in Russia today were saved that day in that place! 'He shall reign' & 'Holy Spirit mo