Paul And Spike And John: Tooo Grumpy Critics

This Week In Stuff, 03-25-18



This week's stuff includes reviews of the radio version of the Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy, the BBC's Civilisations, Gaga: Five Foot Two, CNN's The Reagan Show, Trauma, Jessica Jones, the UK's Channel 4 news coverage of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, and Tropica 5. Look out for the question podcast, arriving in all the usual places on Wednesday! This week, we talk disappointing endings.... ----- The theme tune to 'Tooo Grumpy Critics' is called "The Only One" - it's performed by Three Across, and is written by Eric Brock. We love it! Got a review? A comment? Email us at the usual address:  theusualaddress [at] grumpycritics dot com Subscribe to the show via iTunes: Or, use another podcatcher with the show's RSS feed: Use Stitcher? Find us over there: The latest show is always at: The Facebook VIP Lounge: www.facebook.