How To Love Your Body

Ep 124 - When UnDieting Feels Hard



Welcome to How to Love Your Body - on today’s episode we are talking about a phrase that we learned from Bri Campos, a body image educator/ LPC  - follow her on Instagram at @bodyimagewithbri  So what does it mean to “sit in the suck”? Well - you may have noticed that this UnDiet work (intuitive eating, body image, body acceptance/ trust) can be hard. It is hard!  A few things that may happen when it gets hard…  When things get hard it can be really easy for humans to do anything to get rid of the uncomfortable feelings - to turn to coping mechanisms that may feel like distractions instead of processing and healing the emotions.  Another thing that happens - no shame or blame - but when it gets hard our brains can start to tell us this UnDiet work isn’t safe, it doesn’t work, etc and all the catastrophic feelings come flooding in - someone may consider going back on a diet because they need the control (false control that is).  There could be a bad body image day - where you are looking in the mirror an