Endurance Horse Podcast

Rider Option Pulls Episode 6 Endurance Horse Podcast



Hello & welcome to Endurance Horse Podcast!   This episode is the first topic specific episode of the Endurance Horse Podcast.  In this episode riders are sharing stories on the topic of what we call here  in the US, a Rider Option pull.  A Rider Option pull is when your horse has successfully gone through the vetting process, though you feel that for some reason, you should not go on.  In other countries this is called a ‘Withdrawl’.   At the end of the podcast I will share about two times when I decided to Rider Option, once on Faith in 2016 and once on Mandate for Gold in 2011.      Sometimes the stories we share on the podcast are fun and uplifting, so it did give me a bit of a pause to decide to tackle a not so uplifting aspect of Endurance riding, stories about the days when things did not go as planned.     We share the Rider Option stories in Episode 6 in hopes that we will give courage to someone who in the future who maybe faced with that feeling that something just isn’t right with