Higher Ed Live

Student Affairs Live - Using Images for Research, Pedagogy and Practice



What are the challenges and benefits of using imagery for research, teaching, and practice? How can images be used to explore concepts such as privilege, oppression, class, gender? What are practical examples of photo elicitation, photo voice, visual content analysis, art-based inquiry, and digital story-telling? What are some ethical and practical considerations when using digital tools for research? How does signage, imagery and campus layout cultivate or diminish a sense of belonging? Learn the answers to these questions and more as host Tony Doody interviews Carrie Kortegast (Northern Illinois University) and Bridget T Kelly (University of Maryland). Please contribute to the conversation by emailing questions before the show to tony@higheredlive.com or by tweeting live during the show using the #higheredlive hashtag. We’ll do our best to infuse questions from viewers (with attribution) into the live conversation.