Higher Ed Live

Student Affairs Live - How College Affects Students



Higher and post-secondary education professionals face intense scrutiny on several fronts. In these roles, we must have a working knowledge of college impact. And so, we need to understand the metrics that prove effectiveness. The newest volume of How College Affects Students builds on decades of research and incorporates findings from 2002 to 2013. It serves as an important resource for educators, administrators, researchers, and policymakers. The book reveals how colleges affect undergraduates economic, career, and quality of life outcomes. It provides evidence-based insights on the value of higher education. Join Student Affairs Live co-host Heather Shea on Wednesday, April 4. She'll speak with the authors of How College Affects Students. Hear how they distilled research for use in and beyond higher education. Heather talks with Drs. Matthew Mayhew, Alyssa Rockenbach, Nicholas Bowman, Tricia Seifert, and Gregory Wolniak.