Higher Ed Live

Student Affairs Live - Study Abroad: Trends and Issues in Student Affairs



Providing education abroad or “study abroad” opportunities is one form of international engagement in which many colleges and universities participate. The National Association of International Educators (NAFSA) notes in their Trends report [link] that each year hundreds of thousands of U.S. college students engage in short term, semester-long, or year-long study abroad programs. While rates of student participation have increased, opportunities to access study abroad may remain largely out of reach for many students. Yet, following last week’s Student Affairs Live episode [link], study abroad is noted one example of a “high-impact practice”, resulting in a number of positive student learning outcomes. Paired with the significant student identity and development possibilities that occur within study abroad, what opportunities exist for intentional partnership between student affairs, program administrators, and faculty? How can student affairs educators work to support students before, during, and after their