Higher Ed Live

Admissions Live - The Value of Micro-Scholarships



It is no secret that out of pocket costs for higher education in America puts college dreams out of reach for many students. Every year colleges, universities, foundations, and government programs offer billions of dollars financial assistance to aspiring college students. The trouble with these awards is they are almost always given out after a student is through the college admission process, leaving a big question mark in the affordability column for families until the very end. "Micro-scholarships" aim to combat this problem. Small awards are granted to students throughout their high school career, rather than at the end, for achievements that will serve them well in the college admission process and beyond. Raise.me, a startup funded in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Facebook, awards micro-scholarships to students for academic achievements, volunteerism and citizenship. Learn more on this episode of Admissions Live.