Cody's Car Conundrum

A Two for One! – The 4 Year Anniversary and 10-Thousand Download Special!



Indeed, not only have we surpassed the 10K download mark, but the podcast has officially turned 4 years old as of the 15th of this month! To celebrate, I do something I've never done on the podcast or on my personal time... Thank you all for making the podcast what it is today. We've all heard this speech before and I'm sure most of you are tired of hearing it but it's true more often than not: This podcast wouldn't be what it is without your support and I'm grateful to the lot of you that take the time out of your day and check to see if a new episode has been uploaded. I really appreciate it and hope you continue to enjoy what I put out! With that said, time to get into the special... Check out my YouTube Channel here: Purchase my Car Tshirt merch at: Stay up to date by visiting my website: