Sam Talks Technology

Ralph Cochrane talks about the future of video creation and short form video consumption.



Sam Sethi talked with Ralph Cochrane about the future of video creation and consumption.Ralph and I first met some 13 years ago when he was at BT.However, that was a lifetime ago and since then Ralph has become an award-winning video creator and documentary producer who flies all around the world, living as a digital nomad, filming and/or live streaming video content for his corporate clients.I'm part of the "digital nomad" craze so I'll be heading back to Dubai and Oman at the weekend for filming and then editing with some diving thrown in.In the past year, he has filmed in Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico, USA, Rwanda, Russia, China, The Middle East and across Europe.Ralph started experimenting with mobile video back in 2007, just before the iPhone was launched and his first post-big BT job was to launch a mobile phone festival with Sundance Film Festival at Mobile World Congress.Ralph is currently working on his first documentary about a kitchen fitter who teaches himself to play drums and ends up headlining Gla