Sam Talks Technology

Giles Rhys Jones talks about What3Words being a global address system that names every 3m x 3m square in the world with a unique 3-word address.



Giles is the Chief Marketing Officer of ///What3Words. What3words is the simplest way to talk about location. It's a global address system that names every 3m x 3m square in the world with a unique 3-word address. For example ///undercuts.shifts.cement marks the exact entrance to Marlow FM studios. People can use What3Words to find any normal address or to find a location that doesn't have an address such as a tent at festivals or to direct emergency services to the right place when you breakdown on the motorway. What3words is already available in 40 languages and is also included in Mercedes cars (and others) as an alternative navigation system. Today What3words now works with smart assistants like Alexa to make it easy to book an Uber just by giving Alexa the three-word location of your destination. In the future, I can imagine What3words will also be used for augmented reality to plot the location of objects because GPS is not user friendly and not every object will have a postcode.