Sam Talks Technology

Julien Genestoux talks about how Web 3.0 will evolve towards 'Decentralised Autonomous Organisations' using the unlock protocol.



Sam Sethi talked with Julien Genestoux about some of the current unhealthy business models that exist today, especially those that rely on advertising for monetisation i.e Facebook or act as gatekeepers for data distribution. i.e AppleJulien talked about how Web 3.0 needs to evolve towards 'Decentralised Autonomous Organisations' and how blockchain, ethereum wallets, smart contracts and the unlock protocol can make this new business model a reality.This was a great interview about the future of the web from a true pioneer. As Alvin Toffler said "The only way you can predict the future is to build it. ... " well that is exactly what Julien is doing.All I can say is listen and learn because this is how the web will be built and function in less than a decade and forewarned is forearmed.