Barstool Rockers

50: Shaun Murphy



It seems appropriate that we publish our 50th episode featuring a singer/songwriter who is celebrating her 50th year on stage. That’s right… She started when she was TWO at the Ann Arbor Blues Fest in 1969.   If you’re a Classic Rocker, Shaun Murphy’s voice is one you’ve heard numerous times, but probably don’t realize it. She’s been recording with Bob Seger since 1972’s Katmandu and started singing with him on the road in 1978. They’re currently out on Bob’s (farewell) Roll Me Away tour and we chatted about whether she thought she’d be collaborating with Bob after the final bow and more. She also performed on Eric Clapton’s “Behind the Sun” album and sang on that tour as well. Her voice is present on several songs, including the hit She’s Waiting. During the tour, they played Live Aid, to over 100,000 people. Shaun was a member of Little Feat for 16 years, from 1993 through 2009. According to the band, her “energy and powerful, seasoned, bluesy vocalizations certainly upped the fun quotient for a recha