Logical Anarchy Today

Logical Anarchy Today Episode 194 - Refuting "Libertarian Socialism"



I recently watched a video where a "libertarian socialist" was trying to explain how such an ideology is not contradictory. It was a great attempt at defending his ideology, but at the end of the day, there are still really problematic problems with "libertarian socialism". Today's episode is a refutation of his video.Libertarian Socialism Is Not An Oxymoron (Original Video)Socialists Deny that Scarcity ExistsLogical Anarchy MerchandiseTom Woods Liberty ClassroomInterested in Bitcoin as an alternative to US Dollars? Use our Coinbase link!If you sign up with our coinbase link and purchase $100 in bitcoin, you will recieve an extra $10 from coinbase.The “Shift” Bitcoin debit card is through coinbase as well.Support the show by entering Amazon through our link HERE!Support the show with Bitcoin HERE!Use this address to add the Logical Anarchy Today show to your podcatcher or subscribe on iTunes!http://shoutengine.com/LogicalAnarchyToday.xml