The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

394: The Three Circles Of Leadership



Most leaders are not properly trained for leadership.  This is especially the case in Japan.  Here you study under the mentorship of your busy, time poor, over worked boss.  Your access to formal leadership training is constrained by the firm’s buy in to the dubious virtues of On The Job Training or OJT.  I am sure that at one point in time the OJT worked like a charm but the used by date has well and truly passed on that methodology.  Busines is a lot more complex today, technology rampant and the younger generation are increasingly feral.   The core required skills of the leader form three inter connecting circles.  These comprise leading, selling and presenting.  Now for many leaders they only see the one circle of leading as relevant and see the other two as less important.  The point here is that these circles each connect so that there is an overlap between all three.  If you are a leader you are in the business of sales.  You may have come through the CFO or Chief Scientists or General Management track