The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

361: The Leader Must Be The Flagbearer Of Hope



The Leader Must Be The Flagbearer Of Hope   Daily reports of doom and gloom descend on all of us through the media.  Unemployment, enterprise obliteration, crashing growth rates, plague and pestilence run rampant.  The short term looks bad, but the long term looks worse.  Unlock in haste and repent at leisure or stay locked in and gamble with elimination. I was participating in a German Chamber webinar where the speaker flagged his company’s current research which said 39% of Japanese worried they would lose their job and the same number feared their firm would collapse.  Every continent has trouble and every continent is enmeshed in global supply chain configurations, that line up the national economic dominos for big scale, long lasting recessions.  Optimists like me are running on fumes right now.   As a leader, I have to be a fully paid up, active member of Optimists International.  I have to give my team hope of a way through and a future – together.  US firms are fast to furlough and fire, compared to J