The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

359: Bad Bosses In Covid-19



Bad Bosses In Covid-19   Douglas McGregor coined the descriptors Theory X and Theory Y bosses back in the 1960s.  Basically, Theory X bosses doubted people working for them and felt their worst elements had to be watched carefully.  Theory Y bosses saw the potential in their team and wanted to develop them further.  It was not quite black and white, one was 100% good the other was 100% bad.  It was more a question of where to sit on the scale in view of the team and circumstances you faced.  Theory X bosses did have to deal with people who were not motivated and couldn’t be trusted.  The problem became that they started from a negative position, rather than a neutral one.  Another researcher into human motivation, Abraham Maslow, presciently warned us, “if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail”.   Here we are today, with a lot of our staff out of sight, locked away at home.  How do bosses know what they are doing?  Have some bosses moved more to the Theory X side of the equation, expecting th