The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

341: Want To Be A Great Leader - Then Be Yourself



341: Want To Be A Great Leader - Then Be Yourself Masa Namiki   While you can be ready for a position from a capability or mindset perspective, it does not necessarily mean you are ready from an actually `doing the job` perspective. One of the biggest struggles is that I did not have a viable local leader reference point when I was not sure, because my managers were regional leaders but their advice inevitably did work in Japan because they were drawing from their own experiences in different countries, with different people and different cultures. I also was not resourceful enough back then to have an outside of company network to draw upon. The key in leadership for me has been understanding that I do not have to be some big CEO type, I need to be authentic to who I am, building personal connections and showing vulnerability helps me lead by being able to connect with staff as a real person. Change is also not effective if it is leader-driven because once the leader shifts their attention elsewhere, the ch