The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

211: Twelve Steps To A Win-Win Conflict Resolution Part One



Twelve Steps To A Win-Win Conflict Resolution Part One     “Remember that other people may be totally wrong, but they don’t think so”. This quote from Dale Carnegie sums up the problem. All those other people we have trouble with, had better fly straight. All they need is a better understanding of why they are wrong and we are right. By force of will, strenuous, sustained argument and politicking we will win the day. Or will we?   Actually, getting a clear win in internal conflict situations is rarely the result. Battles are won but wars are lost. Energy that should be directed at the competitors is instead turned loose on our own team, to no good outcome. We need to be able to deal with internal conflicts in a way that resolves the issues in a positive way. Not so easy!   People tend to gravitate toward extremes. They either fold and don’t stand up for what they feel is right or they try and bulldoze everyone else and make them bend to their will. If we want progress, we need a better way forward, achieved t