The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

205: Tatemae, Honne and The Gaijin Boss



Tatemae, Honne and the Gaijin Boss   Japanese people are famous for having learnt over many centuries how to get along with others.  High density living in the modern era and village communal agricultural activities in the past, have both seeded probably the best example of how to have a complex, but low friction society.  Arguments, fights, road rage do occur but compared to anywhere else with such a large population pressure cooker, Japan doesn't even rate as a contender for worst practice.  The concepts of tatemae or proffered reality and honne or actual reality, are a big part of creating that harmonious environment.     Of course, as foreigners we initially struggle with this separation of the real world and the imagined world.  It can seem that Japanese people can be two faced - saying one thing but doing another.  Being the bearer of bad news rarely becomes an issue in Japan, because no one ever delivers it.  No shooting the messenger here because people have learnt to be extremely circumspect about ho