The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

141: The Devil Is In The Details



The Devil Is In The Detail   “The Devil Is In The Detail” saying, reflects ancient wisdom about taking careful notice of small things. The semi-amusing reflection on this saying is that it was created centuries ago, when we can imagine life was substantially less complex than it is today. E-mail surges, flat surfaces groaning under the weight of paper, meetings back to back from dawn to dusk, ring tones, beeps and assorted intrusions from digital devices we carry on our person 24 hours a day - this is the modern life. How easy it is for us to become overwhelmed by all the detail and in the process unknowingly unleash a number of Devils. The best answers to these types of dilemmas is to work on our time management, especially prioritisation and that other partner in crime – delegation. Surprisingly, many of the executives I train or coach do not sufficiently plan their days. They do not have written down lists of what should occupy their valuable time, in order of priority and executed starting with the task o