The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

75: Making Yourself Clear



Making Yourself Clear Public speaking throws up many fears and challenges for all of us.  As part of High Impact Presentations, one of our public speaking courses, we have been surveying the various participants for the last four years about the types of things they most want to improve.  The most common request, from both Japanese and English speakers, is to “be clear when presenting”.  What do they mean by clear?  The speakers want their message to get across to the audience, to be easy to follow, to have some impact from their efforts to get up in front of others and speak. This is not easy, mainly because we keep snatching defeat from the jaws of victory!  There are some errors we make which kill our ability to communicate with the audience.  Here are some critical factors to make sure that situation never occurs. Firstly, we should decide what is the purpose of our talk?  Is it to Entertain people, so they leave feeling warm and fuzzy about us and our organization?  Is it