The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

63: How to Be A Leader Who Can Super Motivate Staff



Episode 63:  THE Leadership Japan Series - How to be a Leader Who Can Super Motivate Staff Today we are going to listen to a presentation given to McGill University MBA class here in Tokyo on how to be a leader who can super motivate staff. Staff Intro:  Greg is a big supporter of this program.  He’s been coming here to talk since about 2007, years and years ago.  He actually gave the graduation speech in 2009.  We really appreciate Greg coming back to speak with us.  Today’s format is similar to before.  We’ll have a presentation by Greg and then questions and answers, and then we’ll spend a little bit of time to give you a chance to network and exchange meishi if you like.  Greg:  What I am going to talk about today is leadership and how to motivate people. One of the issues in successful business is it is very hard to be successful if you can’t take the people with you, unless you want to be doing everything yourself.  Leading people is not such a straightforward thing.  What are some of the issues that y