Minister's Toolbox

EP 74: How To Bring Your Teaching To The Next Level



Does it ever frustrate you when you see members of your congregation continually fall into the same problems? You’ve preached your heart out week after week with answers to solve their problem. Somehow, they never get free.  Benjamin Franklin once said: “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” To bring our pulpit ministry to the next level, we need to define what God considers teaching. If I were to ask you what teaching is, most of you would immediately bring up an image of someone standing in front of a blackboard or whiteboard in today’s word, instructing students who sit at desks taking notes. During today's podcast, I share simple tips on how to increase the impact of your teaching ministry. During the podcast, I mentioned the study guide for individuals or groups, Who's Your Master? Here is the link to my blog, Fresh Teaching.