Minister's Toolbox

EP 60: How Can You Get Out Of God's Way?



People in your church swing a hammer, go to executive meetings or manage children during the bulk of their working hours. They create houses, fix problems or train children. What do you do? Your assigned task is to communicate with God and then tell people what you’ve heard. People actually get up on their day off, come to our facility, sing a few songs and then settle in to see what God said to you. On top of that, they donate money to ensure you will do it again week after week after week.   With that as a backdrop, you would think that every church in the world would be packed with people seeking God, wouldn’t you? Yet, by and large, the opposite is true. During the podcast I lay out 3 ways leaders may be hindering their churches. Here is a download of the main points we touched on today with some additional content.  I mention MileIQ that helps you take accurate mileage effortlessly to save money at tax time.