Minister's Toolbox

EP 58: How Much Counseling Should You Do?



One of the titles given to Christ in Isaiah chapter nine is Wonderful Counselor. What sort of counsel do you give? Does counseling work, and is it an effective use of your time? Whether it works or not depends largely on two factors. First, the ground rules for the session. Second, the willingness of the counselee to be accountable. Some of Jesus’s counsel was very short and oftentimes abrupt. Telling a potential follower, “let the dead bury the dead” is pretty direct.  During the podcast, we examine the strengths and weaknesses of modern day counseling and help you decided its importance to your individual ministry. These are the links for Bob Newhart, Sir Anthony Hopkins and Celebrate Recovery. We also are giving away a free download outlining guidelines for counseling here.  Don't forget to visit our transcripts link if you'd like a written copy.