Minister's Toolbox

EP 54: Would You Survive A Diet of Worms?



Diet is Latin for the general assembly of Worms, a city in Germany. In 1521, Martin Luther, (a Catholic priest and professor of moral theology at the University of Wittenberg) was called to give account. His bold and thoroughly unexpected stand against corruption in the church offended the hierarchy at the highest levels. Few of us grapple with issues that will impact the future of the world. Still, we grapple with issues that threaten the purity, direction, and effectiveness of our own churches.   We can easily fall into the habit of trying to please people. To keep people happy, we compromise our standards a little at a time. During the podcast, I offer ideas on how to deal with disagreeable people. On the show today, I mention a great link for you history buffs about what happened at the Diet of Worms. Listen here.