Aj Knits

Episode 39: Truffles of the Serengeti or "The vacation that wasn't"b



Episode: 39 Production scheduling Production Knitting Mojo exhausted What’s in My Teapot Materials Sourcing After 5 Production Gnome Socks By Spilly Jane Another week of little progress. Last time we talked I wasn’t liking my tension which was skewing my gauge. The big debate was to Frog, perfect and frog, or Plunge on. I’m taking the path of least resistance and plunging forward with an eye to perfect and frog. I also manage to botch the pattern this week. Which has made me lay these down in disgust. (With myself… and my lack of skills…) So Despite having a few more rows done I’m pretty much in the same conundrum … “To frog, or not to frog, that is the question: Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to sufferThe Slings and Arrows of outrageous color work, Or to take up needles against a Sea of troubles…” Back onto the project pile they go. Ruffled and Ruched Scarf by Pam Powers Ruffed and Ruched Redux The party is next weekend! ARGH! Where have I frittered my time away to?!