Brave Castle Cast




Morgan Jaeckel is a long time friend of mine. I really enjoy speaking with Morgan because he see things very differently then I do. He is a very intelligent dude and I always learn something when I talk with him. I had Morgan on specifically because he built his own education and understanding of finance and Macro economics by chasing information down online. Morgan stands as a testament to the power of Youtube and self motivated research. I don't always agree with Morgan, and when I try and debate ideas with him I quickly see how little I know about why I think the way I do. To hang out with Morgan is to learn and play with ideas. He is a great friend and someone I am proud to know. On this episode I try and find my bearings as a host while Morgan and I jump from topics ranging from the Federal Reserve to what a stock market Short is, the power of curiosity matched with the internet, head injuries and a rabbit hole of ideas about politics and the human experience. This being the official episode one, my inex