An Excellent Example Of Being Human | Health | Empowerment | Self-love With Tory Dube

H.O.P.E with Super Connector Chris Winfield



Today’s guest is close to home, close to the heart - my BOSS. I am the Director of Client Growth at Super Connector Media (SCM), and Chris Winfield is THE super connector that started it all. As co-founder and CEO of SCM, Chris successfully built SCM on the concept of HOPE - helping one person every day. As a serial entrepreneur, Chris created Unfair Advantage Live, the world's premier publicity event connecting entrepreneurs to the media. And the Unfair Advantage Accelerator program, supporting entrepreneurs through publicity and marketing into the next level of their businesses.   Prior to starting Super Connector Media, Chris worked with executives from many of the world’s best-known companies, including Disney, Virgin, Macy’s, Viacom, Conde Nast, Intuit, NBC and many others. To put it simply, Chris gives entrepreneurs an “unfair advantage” when it comes to getting more publicity, making connections and growing their companies. Chris currently lives in New York City with his daughter, Vivienne, his life an