Light Work : A Podcast With Desire Map Author, Danielle Laporte

Announcing LIGHT WORK : Self-Realization, Straight Up



Light Makers, I finally did it. Made a podcast. This was creatively edgy for me. Because it’s... just me... sitting in my podcast closet (it really is a closet), waxing philosophical for about an hour. There was a distinctly different feel about this creative venture like feeling EXPOSED. But, deep breath and a great back beat, thanks to my friends DJ Drez + Marti Nikko, and here we go!   The LIGHT WORK series will unfold over six episodes. These are girlfriend-style sermons on serving the world while staying sane, cosmic connectedness over tech addiction, self compassion and more fulfilling friendships. Poetry. Hilarity. Peeks into the personal. The podcast—and my upcoming LIGHTER year-long “Soul support” program—is intimate with plenty of esoteric talk.   For more, visit: DANIELLELAPORTE.COM/LIGHTWORK