Divinepreneur Set Free

Episode 20 - Decision Making: Get Unstuck and Make Better Decisions Today!



Have you ever gotten stuck on making a decision? I've been there; I think we all have experienced it.  Maybe you are stuck now! Well, don't miss this episode as we deconstruct ways to make informed decisions and go over pitfalls to avoid.  We humans make a ton of decisions every day.  Some studies suggest that we make as many as 35,000 decisions a day (2,000 per hour) (https://go.roberts.edu/leadingedge/the-great-choices-of-strategic-leaders) In making any decision, we of course need first to know what we want.  We must then also count the cost first.  (Luke 14: 28-34)  This necessarily means that we need to accumulate as much relevant data as possible before deciding.  Sometimes, it helps to visualize the decision we want to make by making a decision tree. Check out this article in this link to learn more  (https://medium.com/greyatom/decision-trees-a-simple-way-to-visualize-a-decision-dc506a403aeb) We should also avoid making decisions for the wrong reason, i.e., emotions, keeping up with the Joneses, avoi