Brilliant You Podcast With Janet Zaretsky

02 Liz Feezor - How to Use Language as a Powerful Tool



Words matter. Words can change the stories we tell, how we present ourselves and even, how we shape our reality. I’ve long been a lover of language. I believe language is everything and sometimes, it’s all we have. So, I was really excited to invite Liz Feezor on the Brilliant You Podcast. Liz is a fellow language lover, a writer and creative. She has recently left an impressive career in corporate America to share the power of words with entrepreneurs and businesses. What does that mean? Quite simply, she’s using language to help others transform their message, their brand, their business culture, and their reality. Plus, she shares insights from her former life (working in HR) about the gender wage gap and how language can play a big role in ending it. As you may know, this is my personal mission and I was really inspired by what she had to say. In this episode, Liz shares what it was like to leave a comfortable career and lean into the struggle of starting a business based on her lifelong passion. And, how