On Health: The Art Of Living With Kathy Smith | Fitness | Health | Longevity | Wellness | Motivation

Supplements Everyone Should Have In Their Cabinet | Shawn Wells



Today, we're talking about vitamins. It might have started with chewable Flintstones that your mom gave you as a kid, then in college it was vitamin infused water, and now there is an edgier and somewhat controversial method called vitamin vaping. Although the delivery systems might have changed through the years, this idea of supplementing your diet with vitamins has been something that’s been part of our lifestyle since the time we were little ones. So the question is: Do we even need to take vitamins? We know that taking vitamins and minerals is never going to justify less-than-healthy eating habits. But, there’s growing evidence that the right supplements can improve your health and vitality, including maintaining bone density and muscle mass, improving brain function and mental clarity, balancing hormones and rejuvenating skin, hair and nails. One trip down the vitamin aisle and you’re bombarded with hundreds of options, and some with outrageous claims. That can cause decision fatigue and opting out of a