

What do you think it takes to get fit? Most people think that it takes a lot of time and a lot of hard work. Today’s guest disagrees. Martin Gibala is a professor and the chair of the kinesiology department at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. In Martin’s new book, The One Minute Workout, he reveals the science and the history behind one of the most popular methods of working out: interval training. Martin’s here to talk about how low can you go - meaning how little exercise you can do and still get results. Martin is being called a “guru” of interval training...even though it’s a label he’s a bit uncomfortable with. But once you read his book, you’ll be blown away with the science that’s showing how to get fit in a much smarter, faster and shorter way. So if you’re one of the people who thinks they don’t have time to exercise, or you’re not getting results… then you’re going to want to listen up. Make sure to visit for complete show notes.